horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Everything's Up In The Air

I always get wound up about going back to work, as invariably there's something I've done wrong that I'm going to get into trouble for, no matter how much I've planned and tried to do the right thing before leaving. Such is life.

I was awake and unable to sleep again well before 7 this morning, so popped myself in front of the computer to work through some ideas, revise plans, and just try to settle on how I go about effecting some of the change. I think I've got somewhere, but still needed to go out for a ride to clear the mind a bit. It certainly worked while I was out at least.

The shot is at the disused mineworks behind a shopping centre in Edinburgh. I've long thought it would be a great place for a cross race (if maybe a little dusty and rocky), though the possibility of there being some shafts ready to collapse might prove a drawback to anything ever being organised there. Although that doesn't put off the dog walkers and motocross riders.

Tomorrow night (after the undoubted trauma of the day) I get to hit things with sticks again, as the next Taiko class has started in my absence. Every little helps.

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