3 Day Notice

This is sad.

Really nice tenant has had personal problems so has done a runner during the night (sometime in the last 2 weeks we think). Black out curtains on the windows so no one could see in, and then cleared out.

Very sad as he didn't even tell us! We'd have been more than willing to cancel his lease agreement as he had nothing left locally to stay for. Lost his job, his car, his woman, but thankfully it didn't end like most Country songs with him losing the dog (he had a very nice dog).

We didn't know he had gone, but after a lot of unreturned phone calls, neighbours saying they hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks, our gardener unable to raise him, we decided to make an emergency entrance to the house to check on his welfare.

But the house is cleared out, so we posted the unpaid rent notice there and then. On teh 1st October we'll take possession of the house again.

Kinda annoyed because the house won't be an instant turnaround. There are holes in the wall that need to be repaired - an axe definitely put through one wall, the newly painted walls are incredibly scruffy looking right now, the kitchen needs a clean.

Could be worse I suppose.

Also got to see the next job I'm moving to after Manchester; E St (apartment B)! Everyone says it's a mess, but frankly I'm rather looking forward to it! The carpets are a bit overwhelming - the previous tenant (who thankfully did a runner a couple of months ago) - used to allow their dog to crap on the carpet - and then walk around it for an hour or 3. Quite why landlords put carpet in rentals I have no idea. As my wife says "carpet goes in by the foot, and out by the pound".

But despite the apartment being a wreck, really looking forward to getting in there. Next week will be busy. Finish Manchester, clear Rue Max, and get started on E St.

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