It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Weekend that Never Was

My legs were sore today but I had no choice but to ride to work as trains don't start until 10:30. Fortunately, it was sunny and the roads were quiet! Once the myofacial fuzz had been busted, I felt ok.

Joe Friel was doing a talk on training metrics today and I was really impressed how he presented some advanced topics simply. The audience were certainly appreciative. When I'm engaged, I always have a zillion things to ask but managed to limit myself to making one comment.

I was expecting to be finished by 2pm but somehow ended up in a few conversations and then watched the end of the World Road Race Champs with the TrainingPeaks guys! I got rather excited that there was a Polish winner as I'm quarter Polish! The disaster was that my plan had been to cycle home, get changed, go to Unicorn veggie supermarket and then swimming. However, by the time I got home I had 5 minutes to eat, get changed and get on the train to go to swimming! I cooked a nice dinner and got a wee coaching job done instead. My weekend was at an end, even though it hadn't really begun! Still, I learnt a few new things and met some really cool people.

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