
By Nigel


My two Simpsons Lego blister packs contained Mr. Burns and Lisa (with saxamephone). £5 well spent. Awful lot of processing, but a big white balance shift gave the slightly radioactive feel. My Sigma 70-300 macro is strange to use on full macro as you have to be quite far away, over a metre in this instance, and of course the combination of very small depth of field and camera shake meant that getting this handheld was quite trying. Definitely couldn't be arsed to set the tripod up though.

So another week has come to and end and another promise that I will have written conformation is broken. I have another fire in the iron now though as a prominent maker of satellite technology devices are looking for a UI designer for their sports division in Edinburgh. Online test first though which always puts me off a bit.

Very late night (4am, ouch!) with Jen being off tomorrow. Not often we synchronise but it can be devastating when we do...

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