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By pplnani

Robin's Pincushion

A friend told me what it was called, I'd never heard of it and Wikipedia told me that it develops as a chemically induced distortion of an unopened leaf axillary or terminal buds, mostly on field rose (Rosa arvensis) or dog rose (Rosa canina) shrubs, caused by the parthenogenetic hymenopteran gall wasp.

Gall wasp females lay up to 60 eggs within each leaf bud using their ovipositors. The asexual wasp emerges in spring; less than 1% are males..........I just thought it was rather pretty and unusual :-/

I've not been feeling too great the last couple of days and I had hoped that a walk would perk me up but unfortunately it didn't. I'm feeling really quite grotty :-(( and just not up to commenting right now. Hopefully I will shake this off very soon and get back to normal :-)

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