
By Memories4Me

A Perfect Moment at the Pond

Dear Diary,

The pond changes every day now...becoming more and more infused with warm autumn colors. There wasn't even the slightest breeze and the surface of the pond was a mirror. It was a lovely experience to just sit on the shore and take it all in.

Watching the pond transform day by day is such a soothing ritual. I have a friend that hates to see the leaves fall and the starkness of the November landscape. I find it a beautiful transition. As if the whole of the world is tucking itself into bed under a patchwork quilt of orange and red. It is an in-turning time and I look forward to it every year.

Besides the Autumn poets sing
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow
And that side of the Haze...
Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind—
Thy windy will to bear!

~Emily Dickinson

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