
By Edgey


After yesterday's blip of Screech Jess asked me to take one of her today. She sat there quite the thing as I took a few shots. She was the purrfect model.

On another note I was at the doctors this morning, and have to go back tomorrow for blood tests so that will be another 4 pints lost as they try to find a vein and I bet I dont even get a cuppa and a digestive!

Apart from that was finishing on a photography job I have so now need to wait for the results and to get paid. Its nothing too arty just some shots of stuff for ebay etc .. but its extra money coming in .

Tonight I helped Dex move his washing machine in to his new flat, along with the heaviest mattress on the planet.. I'm getting too old for this behaviour.

Tonight will be relaxing with a can of Natch - my fav cider which was a pressie from a friend.

Todays Track is a well known song but this makes me smile every time .. it's not the best version of a song but the bass guitar player on the left is a gem .. Im sure he was on another planet in those days .. Watch his legs :)

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