Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Walking on air

Fantastic day today. We all had a lie in till 8am which was amazing. (I was up between 3-4 with little man but shhh I won't tell if you don't!)

After breakfast we went down the road to Portsmouth and Gunwarf Quays. Me and Mr J have been before many years ago but we were excited to go again. We had a potter around the shops and then we went up Spinnaker Tower. P absolutely loved it! She was a daredevil on the glass floor and wasn't a bit fazed by it. She even scared a couple of others when she started jumping up and down! Their faces were a picture! Little man had a go too and was giggling and smiling and banging on the glass with his hands. The view from the top was great. It's been a lovely clear sunny day so we could see for miles.

When we came back down the tower we had a tapas lunch on the harbour side. It was delicious and made even better by the warm late summer sun. P had her own mini selection and was a bit full when her pudding arrived so I helped her out a bit. Doughnuts and warm chocolate sauce...I couldn't let that go to waste.

Before we came back to the caravan we stopped at the shingle beach on Hayling Island. P collected shells and rocks and very soon Mr J's pockets got quite full. (We had to dump the majority of them, without p seeing, before getting back into the car.) little man had a sit on the beach but he was more interested in trying to eat the stones than bashing them together like I was showing him. So before anyone had any accidents we went into the arcade where Mr J tried frantically to win a teddy and put all his 2p's in the machines.

Just time now for a glass of wine and then we can do it all again tomorrow, hooray!

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