My journey in Pictures

By Ella

Bus Ride....

Today was really hectic.. it took nearly 2 hours to get into the centre of London due to rail strikes.. the number 1 bus took us past Waterloo Station and i blipped the London Eye through the window... didnt see big ben until i downloaded it later...
Dad is Grumpy and bored... a sure sign he is getting better... he is in the not so serious ICU today and was not a happy bunny.....

Later we met up with an old friend who i had not seen for over 30 years.. it was so wonderful to get together again ... we all ended up back on the boat the boys strummed their guitars and we we sang and reminiced until late... He then caught the clipper back into london to catch the tube and journey home...

It was a special day for all sorts of reasons.. dad is on the mend and friendships are one thing in life that truely matter and that you can rely on...
thank you to everyone who took time to care....
Sorry this is a back blip...dont know how to do the link.....

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