
It was misty this morning and much cooler. Eco sister and myself headed out for some food shopping. I had the delight of going roung the pork section for Non Muslims.

Loaded up with supplies we headed back to the house to get ready for a lazy day at the beach.

We headed to the Corniche and picked our spot, it was really quiet and warm.

We were all in swimming and just relaxing have a picnic on the sands.

My 11 year old daughter beat me on the breast stroke race with such easy, wonderful to see her swimmimg. eco son was snorkeling along the shore harassing the local fish life.

Eco gran borrowed eco daughter's googles to go swimming and when she came out she could not see as she did not have her glasses on. we watched fro a while as she headed to another family instead of us until eco daughter shouted at her and led her back.

Early to bed tonight as we are heading to Dubia in the morning.

Today was the day of the crane, I tried to count them from the beach, 27 just along the beach front, this was the tallest.

Opposite the Corniche is a huge unsupported flag pole with a huge flag, it used to be the highest in the world at 123 metres, this is now held by Turkmenistan at 133 metres.

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