
By elleelle


I hung out with 2 women from work on Friday. This is the daughter of one of them. She is a precocious 4 year old named Madelyn. When she saw my camera, she kept doing exactly what she had been doing, but in the most animated and theatrical way. Here she is telling me about her map (a sheet of instructions to something unknown).

For those of you waiting for more from my grandmother, Dorothy, the wait is over.

My dad came into my room to tell me that Dorothy (his mother) had been trying to get a hold of me and that I needed to call her before she calls him again. I had forgotten my phone in my car. When I went outside to get it, I saw that I had 3 missed calls from her. Apparently that is when she called my dad. The following is the conversation that took place when I called her back.

Dorothy: Elle, I am not dead. [hangs up]

Me [after calling her back]: Is that all you really called to tell me because I had actually assumed this much when I saw that you had called a few times.
Dorothy: Well, I am going to St. Andrews [not her normal church] for Lenten services. It is the next 3 nights. If you call, don't worry, I am not dead.
Me: Okay, good to know. What if you die while you are there?
Dorothy: I am not that worried about that. I feel like I am going to live for 3 more days.
Me: Good, because my black dress is at the cleaner's.
Dorothy: Smartass [hangs up again]

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