Of Little Consequence

By Alkal23

New Toy

Today I went a bit mad and splashed out on the boys. I'd watched a documentary a few days ago about the secret lives of your dog/s, cameras were set up in different homes so people could get to see what their dogs did when left alone. Some of it was quite sad, some dogs howled for almost all the time they were left alone, others paced their homes continually until their owners came home. One had a toilet roll frenzy, covering the floor in ripped up paper, some walked along kitchen counters !

It was suggested that dogs needed distractions from stress and that dog puzzles were a good idea. Find the treat type of thing , if you get my drift.

I met Isabel at Andy's garage, she said her car has been making loud crunching noises, so she dropped it off there for her daddy to check over. From there we went to Pets at Home , don't really like these big stores but they sell the perfect sized treats to fit inside a toy the boys have.
Isabel took Vladimir to see the horrible , ratty gerbils, he was very curious , I think he would've liked one.

We went to get their food from the pet shop in Muswell Hill, this is where I went a big mad. I bought new balls, a big rubbery weeble shaped thing called a Kong and a dog puzzle. The puzzle is a 3 in 1 game, where treats are hidden in different compartments, the owners son assured me it would give hours of fun, Vlad sussed it within minutes, ate all the treats ( Toulouse didn't get a look in) and did a massive burp.
Toulouse loves the big red Kong ( in photo) so much that I had to take it away, he was panting so much but wouldn't stop throwing it around.

Aren't dogs daft ...

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