Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Sunflower staring

I really find that going for a stare at lunchtime helps clear my head after a busy morning before I go back to deal with the activity of the afternoon. I went to the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts thinking that it would be reasonably quiet and uncrowded but it was pretty busy in there too, with several small groups being shown round and speaking in hushed tones about the various artworks.

Fortunately I spied a bright burst of yellow over in a corner - a huge vase of sunflowers so I went and had a stare at them, which did me a power of good.

Still loving the job - never a dull moment what with dealing with all the enquiries from students, sorting out paperwork for appointment of examiners, submission of theses, getting to grips with a new aspect of my work and loads of other stuff. Can't believe I've been here almost eight months!

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