Extreme blipping

A bright, lovely sun behind the big maple tree, softened and blued by the halogen white balance setting and a fast shutter speed. This is it...the one picture I took today, only cropped and rotated to put the glow in near sort of in the general vicinity of the sweet spot. Jeez, it's not even close, who am I kidding.

I'm taking the pic-a-day to the extreme. Someone suggested that as a challenge in the forums and I don't know if anyone ever took him up on it. I just did.

These two are part of the challenge too, Mr. Forum-throw-a-challenge-out-there. Whoever you are.

edit: did some more digging in the forums...it was steveo, and I had the challenge a bit wrong. It's take as many as you like but post the first one you take.

rare backblip 1
rare backblip 2

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