Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Super Bowl!

Tonight me and five colleagues are having a sort-of Super Bowl party. American blippers may think the timing for this is a bit weird and blippers from other countries may not even have a clue what I'm talking about, so I'll explain somewhat...

The Super Bowl is the final game of the NFL season. The NFL is the National Football League. American football, that is, not to be confused with our football (which is called 'soccer' by the Americans).

American Football and the NFL are not exactly huge in Europe, but I like to watch it ever since I went to the USA for the first time back in 1996. Recently I have found a way to watch recordings of the NFL games and I was talking to some colleagues about that. They were interested so I organized today's event. Before we'll watch the Super Bowl, we'll have some dinner and I will explain them some basic things about the game. Not that I'm an expert, but I do know enough to be able to understand what's going on...

So, what about the can of Mountain Dew? Well, I like that stuff and it's hard to get in The Netherlands: Pepsico never took it to the Dutch market. I found a supermarket in Groningen that does sell it. It's imported from the USA and at one euro a can it doesn't come cheap, but it will be something to enjoy while watching the game!

It's the start of a new week; enjoy it everyone!

PS: The Super Bowl was played on February 7.

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