
By kevinG

How to Succeed Audition

Woke up and took a shower.

Ate breakfast.

Stopped by Old Mill to pick up some things for a shrine to myself that we had to do in Drama.

Ms. Romano convinced me to do the makeup audition for How to Succeed in Business because she said she'll help me work around wrestling.

My neck was killing me all day from Crossfit.

Dan Wynn taught me the song and part of the dance for auditions.

Tylar taught me the rest of the dance 7th period.

Did my audition. I think I did okay for someone who learned the song and dance in two periods.

Mom picked me up. Stayed home for the rest of the day because I couldn't go to Crossfit with my neck like this.

Picture is an old sketch of mine copying a Bourguereau painting.

Going to bed now.


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