A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


This large town house in Castle Street used to be the home of Walter Scott. I had a cool synchronicity regarding him the other day which I thought I would share.

I was browsing a website called Global Grey a couple of days ago which has a whole load of esoteric and paranormal books which have gone out of copyright and so are available as ebooks for free. I noticed a book called Secret Commonwealth which is a famous (in Fortean circles) book on fairies written by a minister called Robert Kirk in the late 17th century in Aberfoyle. I downloaded it and put it on to my kindle so that I could read it after I had finished Rob Roy. To my surprise, when I got to the end of it and was reading the footnotes, there was a section on Secret Commonwealth!

I love that I can read the same books as Scott did, walk the same streets, look at his old house and even occasionally go into the room that he wrote in since, as luck would have it, we know the people who live here now!

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