Double Shot Mummy


First school library books.

Oscar and Bailee were so excited to bring home school library books today. They both had the biggest grins on their faces. Bailee told me all about how she chose hers and Oscar about his. Of course I had to have a giggle when I saw what he chose... obviously inspired by his father's love for Space and Star Wars and anything related! It's an ancient book with ancient pictures. But it doesn't matter, Oscar loves it and sat there silent with his mouth open when I read it to him (Three times). Daddy is super-proud of his son.

Bailee chose a book called, "Now I can Read, 15 Two-Minute-Tales". We read 13 of them and the trio were totally absorbed. They do love their books and I guess choosing their own at school and having something completely new to read makes it even more exciting :-)

Anal photographer disclaimer: Not a great photo at all technically with the flash and the shadows.... It has to be said. But you get the picture...

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