A Happy Man

This a gentleman I met today called Wayne. He is an ice-fisherman.

I decided to find out what all the attraction of ice-fishing was so your intrepid blipper walked half a mile across a hopefully frozen lake to take some photographs.

What I got was a 2 hour introduction to ice-fishing from Wayne and his buddy Bill and about 100 photographs, some even of me ice-fishing. Didn't catch anything though hehe.

Wayne is one of the kindest people you could ever wish to meet. His knowledge on just about anything is amazing but he loves nothing better than to explain all intricacies of ice-fishing. It is actually exceptionally relaxing, quite hard work and of course bitterly cold, but as you can see Wayne is well dressed for it. Today's clothes are his 'warm weather togs'.
Normally he wears insulated gloves as well but he wanted to show the proper technique of jigging the fishing pole.

I can't quite see me sitting out there for hours in sub zero temperatures, howling winds or even worse rapidly melting ice, but hey these guys really have my admiration and if you ever get the opportunity you might want to try it.

It's kinda a Zen thing !!


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