
By kevinG


Woke up really early feeling sore and achy with a sore throat.

Watched TV.

Dad went to the gym and Catherine picked me up.

Took my temperature, it was normal.

About a half hour later I took my temperature and I was running a low fever. Called Mom and she told me to take two Advil.

Watched TV. Mom got home and took me to the doctor. The doctor gave me a prescription.

Went to the pharmacy with Mom then ate some pizza. Picked up my prescriptions from the pharmacy.

Took my pill.

Took a long nap, probably 4 hours.

Running a low fever again took two more Advil.

Watched more TV. Mom got me a smoothie.

TV. Mom made me a grilled cheese.

TV. Took my second pill of the day. Low fever so I took two more Advil.

Going to bed now.


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