Here I Come . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . ready or not!!! Darcy was in a tearing hurry when he hit the beach this morning and he wasn't about to stop for anyone. Such a cool dog. (You watching Tussock?)

BLIPMEET If anyone's interested in coming to another Christmas Blipmeet in Christchurch NZ this year, please come along to the The Tannery/Brewery, on Sunday 14th December at 2pm. it would be helpful if you could let me know if you're coming, or if you're thinking of coming. It was thoroughly enjoyable for 16 of us last year; just super getting in touch with so many blippers all at once.

Many many thanks everyone for the fabulous response to yesterday's image, Early Golden Light. It's really encouraging when so many people are so positive about an image and all that feedback is wonderful!

I'm away tomorrow for 3 weeks. I know that I won't have internet access some of that time and when there is access it'll be rather limited - so my apologies in advance in advance for a lack of commenting!
And where am I going? You'll find out HERE Enjoy!

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