Daisy and Clara

By DaisyClara

Mummy and Daisy time

Daisy got up at 7:00 and we had special time together as Clara and Daddy slept until 8:30. Daisy likes to start her day drinking milk in her seat watching Ben and Holly or Peppa Pig. We then had great fun playing with play dough and happyland.

Daddy, Daisy and Clara went to Boogie Babies in the morning and then Daisy had her ballet lesson. Daisy was given her costume for the show next week and was very excited to try on her flower headdress. Daisy was asked if she wanted to be an orange or a purple flower and Daisy answered without any hesitation that she would be a purple flower as that is her mummy's favourite colour. I can't wait to see her in full costume, she will look very cute.

After Ballet, we dropped Daddy and Lewis at football and went to visit Nana and Papa. Daisy loved playing with the lego with her Papa. Clara enjoyed cuddles with her Nana, although enjoyed jumping up and down on her knee the best. Clara's tooth is still coming through so she was tearful on and off this afternoon but cuddles seem to help.

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