Beer .....

..... and blippers

This evening after work there was an impromtu blip meet with Yearofhappy, DrMackem and Earthdreamer. Beers were drunk, blip and running were discussed ( as you can see YOH is taking her marithon training for next week very seriously ;) ) and laughs were had.

In other news, the other day I had a call to let me know that I had won a raffle that the Fuse Gallery in Bradford had held and the winning prize was a giant ( roughly 9 x 6 foot ) photo of Brighton beach ( here is a photo I took of it as a background for a portrait ) . Today it was delivered and I now need to finish my dining room so that I have a bare wall large enough to hang it.

It's now the morning after the night before and my head is still a bit sore, so today's blip is .....

..... Beer and blippers.

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