
I know that I've blipped the transparent person before, but she's been missing for a long period whilst they've been doing works on the nearby drains and digging up the footpath. I had noticed what looked like a ball of chicken-wire parked up in one of the trees and feared that she had been de-constructed - perhaps the artist had to come in and re-construct her. I tried photographing her from the opposite side but she was almost invisible . Very nice to see her again!

The briefing went OK - and it was nice to see a few more old chums, particularly Cath. I slipped away an hour early to get a train that got me back to Edinburgh by about 9 pm whereupon I went to meet D in the Cask and Barrel. Ah, yes! And nice to meet J & K whom we used to see regularly in Homes Bar - they've taken the sensible view that if your favourite local closes down then move house so that you're near to another good pub. :-)

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