
By Tommy0161

So ugly it's beautiful...

We took the advantage of what may be one of the last warm, sunny days of the year to go for a walk. We headed out towards the Anderton Boat Lift which is one of my favourite pieces of Industrial Revolution technology linking the canal system to the River Weaver.

We walked along the River Weaver. It was warm and sunny and there were plenty of those alarmingly sized dragonflies and even some butterflies enjoying the warmth. We came across this partly ruined industrial complex. What it makes we couldn't decide but I'm guessing something to do with salt and chemicals in Northwich. The wharfs on the river were partly ruined as, presumably, everything arrives and leaves by road these days. Nothing much comes along the canals apart from pleasure craft. The part of the plant away from the river was still in use.

I find these places fascinating. There's no attempt to pretty them up, or disguise them. The processes going in inside dictate the design of the building. It's viciously ugly but, I think, that kind of ugliness that is so extreme there's a kind of fascinating beauty about them. Other people may disagree...

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