The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Piñata

I had a small flakey this morning at 3am. Mummy and daddy took it in turns to settle me and eventually after an hour I fell back asleep. They forgave me this sleep-stealing disturbance as it was the ONE and ONLY time I woke up since going to bed at 6.30pm!

I went to my friend Eilidh's birthday party today. I played 'eat the parcel' and Peppa Pig piñata. I told daddy it was time to leave when I caught mummy sneaking a second bit of cake.

We went to the supermarket this afternoon to buy some food in preparation for my imminent weaning. I got a carrot and a butternut squash. They didn't look half as appealing as the stuff daddy bought for himself. I looked and mummy and said: 'Really? This is it? Six months waiting for this? I pleaded for a donut but she said no.

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