Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Communing with an Octopus

Back home today as it is Sound of Music at the Civic Theatre tonight. We're a bit sad to be leaving without doing most of the things that we'd had planned....oh well, we'll have to come again...what a shame.

We went to the Flip'n Bear for breakfast with the most humongous pancakes. They were amazing. None of us could finish, and we were so pogged that we needed a walk before getting in the car to do the journey home.

We walked along Waihi Beach, and found this wee chap walking along the beach too. We thought he was lost, so grabbed a couple of bits of drift wood to gently put him back in the sea...this was taken after we'd put him in the sea. Not sure where he was going, but the sea was not his plan.

After our walk, we made our way as far as Paeroa to have a play at a playground the kids had spied on our way to Waihi Beach. It was fantastic, with lots of secret wee play areas, including trampoline built into the ground which looked like drain covers. Again the rain chased us away, so we zoomed back home to find the Husband.

We decided to head into the city early and went to a place for a Mexican meal before seeing the Sound of Music. Fantastic!!!

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