Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Jam Yesterday. Jam Today. It's #YSJam

An incredible 48 hours - I'm sitting this Sunday evening fit to burst with pride and admiration for my amazing staff team, young volunteers and creative partners.

They have worked tirelessly all weekend - and in fact are still working - to create "live" our annual Impact Report, which we produce every year to tell the world about the work we do as a charity and the difference we are making with young people across Scotland.

It has been a hugely ambitious project, both in concept and scale. Our talented team - working alongside an incredibly committed and creative group of young volunteers - have come up trumps. Awesome job.

It all goes live tomorrow (Monday) - with amazing online content, film, audio, photography and social media all created over the past two days. If you fancy checking it out, hop over to the hashtag #YSJam in twitter!

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