The second half of life..

By twigs


Another very full day.........up early-ish then over to learn some HDR techniques at an amazing old, run-down, characterful, former home and associated outbuildings elsewhere on the station. Easily filled over 3hours having fun, experimenting and learning. Quick coffee at the cafe in the village then home to learn a little trick photography with 'wine'. Many, many, many images later we thought we'd probably have at least a couple of images to 'play' with tonight. I was quite pleased with this one, though for some reason it has turned out to be a very small file - I think it may have something to do with tiredness and making mistakes whilst learning how to drive some new photo software....or not. I have no idea why it was so small. C'est la vie.

Later in the afternoon we headed over to another old run-down dwelling - the former homestead of the next-door station Aviemore. Had more fun this time playing with dust and sunlight streams, old bathrooms and dead possums. Very dead possums. Skeletal in fact. Interesting.

It's been a full on couple of days and I'veloved every moment. I'm going to have to find some time when I return to do some serious reviewing, practicing and consolidation of what we've learned. And that's a lot.

Very tired - bed now.



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