
By GloryGlory

Something is afoot

Spellings are not Miss Bs favourite, neither is anything at school right now. Despite gentle and firm persuasion anything I suggest she does (spellings, reading, homework project) is met with immediate refusal and, dare I say it, a bit of a tantrum.

At 8 years old she's lost interest in learning and her outlook on education is far from positive.

It's interesting as I've always thought 4 years old is too young to start formal learning. Happily I seem to have had a point as I recently read THIS article, and subsequently came across THIS organisation, which I'd like to look into further.

It tallies with the knowledge that muslims have a teaching which goes; "Play with your children for seven years, teach them for seven years, observe them for seven years and befriend them for seven years." I think they may be onto something.

Over the Summer Miss B changed from a bit of a strung out girl to behaving in a more level headed way. She was calmer and easier to connect with. She was interested in joining in with life skills around the house, having deeper conversation and I even think she was more compassionate. Now, 4 weeks back at school, and she's reverted, and it concerns me.

We've mulled home schooling, and there's a big community of home schoolers in this area for support, but I know I'm not the Mum for the job and Mr Bs working hours aren't favourable for the set-up.

Now Master B is in school full time and I dread the same pattern emerging. Where will his incredible imagination be channeled in school? How will his sensitive heart be nurtured... or wont it be, and what will he be when he's 8? Will he have burned out educationally like his sister?

As parents we're under a lot of pressure from all sides, and here's my current biggy.

What to do?

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