A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


You know that whole, you're only as happy as your unhappiest child thing...? This is that. With added back spasm which explains why we are in my bed and not hers. Carlos has the joy of carrying her back to bed when he comes home but if he will go out on a Monday night.

Typing one handed on an iPhone is no-one's idea of fun so I shall keep this brief.

For memories sake I shall note that this was the new girl / playground / ownership / trying to isolate you from your friends incident that, being the people pleaser who doesn't like to upset anyone that you are, is making life a challenge for you right now my lovely daughter. But I have faith in you and I know we can work through this phase together. Especially as you have been so open and talked with me despite being leant on to "don't tell your parents we argued" when you tried to assert your right to play with other people.

Oh that's already too long! No time tonight to note your success at being chosen for the cross country team J. The unhappy child gets the airtime. And the blip.

Lesley x

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