
This is a bit of a building on the corner of Victoria Viaduct and English Street in Carlisle. It is currently the National Westminster Bank, but has always intrigued me, as it is a beautiful building and I wondered what it was originally. It apparently was built in 1877 (you can just see the date in the brickwork) as The Bush Hotel. That’s more like it! In fact this building was a replacement for an original Bush Hotel set at right angles to this one and demolished when the Victoria Viaduct was built to give vehicular access over the railway.

As I waited to cross the road, I watched lots of pigeons gather on the roof and wondered if it was warm up there - I was imagining warm air coming through the vents. It was certainly cold down below. I think it’s going to take us a while to get used to these temperatures.

Thank you everyone for following me during our time in France, especially during the last few days when I have had little chance to look at journals. I am now catching up.

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