To Kwell or not to Kwell....

This is as close as I got to Guernsey today!!!!

Arriving at Poole ferry terminal in gale force winds and horizontal torrential rain, it wasn't a surprise to find out that the ferry to Guernsey's departure time had been pushed back even further from 1100 to 1130 (original departure time was 0930!).

When we went to checkin, the lady looked at our tickets and, seeing that we were booked for a daytrip, strongly advised us to reconsider our decision as the crossing was going to be extremely rough. When she offered to give us a full refund we knew that things must be serious so we decided the most sensible thing to do would be to rearrange the trip for another day.

As it turns out, we made a very wise decision as the last service update I read said that the ferry, having finally left Poole at 1130, had to turn back and return to Poole as the sea conditions had worsened even further. It was due to eventually leave Poole a second time at 1400, which means we would have arrived in Guernsey with no time to even get off the boat before sailing back to Poole in very rough conditions. But for all I know, it might not have even left at 1400!!

So instead we sort refuge from the weather in a café for the morning, before heading to Kingston Lacy in the afternoon, once the rain had stopped.

I could have posted one of many shots of the elegant country mansion of Kingston Lacy, or of its beautiful grounds, but this display board in the ferry terminal has a story of its own to tell. And it was the closest I got to Guernsey today!!

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