The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Scruffy Dog

I SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! Eleven whole hours! Mummy couldn't believe it when she woke up and it was 5am and I hadn't woken up once! I expected a bit of fuss if I'm honest. Six months she has waited for this. Maybe some confetti or a parade of dancing monkeys with a little glass of fizz for mummy? A standing ovation? A miraculous eradication of mummy's eye bags? But the reality is a 5am start is a 5am start regardless and mummy didn't feel quite as refreshed as she'd imagined.

We made it to swimming this morning. I'm getting better at splashing and this is causing some issues for mummy's hair. She says the scruffy dog look is not what she's aiming for when going to baby sensory then out for lunch.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but...I SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!

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