Here we are Again...

Down to the NOC again today to see the Orthotics folk about my shoes which are killing me still... I am having such a job walking ..fingers crossed. From here I went to Radiology for an MRI scan. Because my feet are numb in certain areas it may be that my spinal problem has returned. The scan on my lower back should reveal all. These machines are so incredibly clever but so noisy when you are in them...I was in there for 20minutes & thank goodness for the headphones..

By the time we were finished and out of Oxford it was well after 6pm and so rather than cooking when we got in we stopped at the Old Fisherman at Shabbington for a quick bite. It was really good & we didn't break the bank. When we arrived there, I parked the car & then got out & then heard a bang, I looked behind me & there was a driverless car lodged against the fence surrounding the conservatory of the pub. It transpired that the chap had parked his car and not put the handbrake on or put it in gear . Some minutes after he'd left it it rolled backwards & into the fence. If the fence hadn't been there it could have impacted the conservatory or ran straight down in to the river...

Home now (830pm) & drinking a coffee.

Nice day but cooler - C put the heating on for an hour this am claiming it was very cold in the house !

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