the extent

Twenty years ago, after popping to Capital and WmLow with some new flatmates to buy food, I wandered north to the Menzies on Princes Street to buy an up-to-date Bartholomew Streetfinder seeing as the 1974 edition inherited from parents was getting a bit ratty and didn't have many useful modern university buildings on it. Unfortunately it also lacked things like the thick purple lines of the Spokes map to denote the off-road cycle paths, which I didn't find out about for several years. I doubt I would have been in much of a hurry to investigate the bit of path between Drylaw and Pilton back then when the helpful student starter-info pack basically said "Stick to the Southside. Stay off the Leith." I didn't really trust Leith until I moved into it but have been happily trundling along the NEPN paths for fourteen years. They're particularly handy for allowing wingpiglets to go reasonable distances without the constant upsy-downkerbery of non-path travel.

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