Dandelion Seed Head

This morning I grappled, unsuccessfully, with the file handler, for marking OU scripts on my Mac, so I had to call in the expert, the GOG! I then argued with him, as I do that I am right and he is wrong. It seems that I had downloaded the wrong version for my Mac and after much arguing on my part, I followed his instructions as well as those provided by the person who wrote the software and managed to get it to work. I had been tempted to download the student’s work onto a Windows machine and transfer it to my Mac for marking; I would then have to transfer it back again. It is much better and less work, to make the software work on the Mac; now it is goodbye to Windows forever!

This afternoon I managed to give telephone tutorials to the rest of my group of students so I am now very pleased that I have them all up and running.

The weather today is variable, warm and sunny, rain and lots of wind. Today’s picture is a Dandelion seed head, just waiting to spread it seeds all over the lawn so that there are hundreds more next year.

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