Quick quiz

Another wonderful day. Not great that the heating isn't working but the plumber is aware and will be calling to arrange a visit but other than that and my painful arthritic knees today has been special.

Today I attended a degree ceremony for a student I've been working with for about six years. Many times when we've met she's been struggling and saying she would never finish and many times we had a heart-to-heart about how she'd done so well to get this far and how she was more than able to fulfil her ambition to complete a BA Honours. Today she wore the hood and gown and a small group of her friends were there to witness the university celebrating her award. Like all OU students she faced challenges to get this far but she got through them. She's been part of the OU family since she started to study and today we formally welcomed her to the community of OU graduates. Four of the six OU staff there are also OU graduates so we know something of her journey.

And now for the quiz. In 19th C literature who arrived at Horsell Common?

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