
You know who didn't wake till you know when again last night.

Wom wasn't too bad but still need to work on him settling back to sleep after feeds in the night. It's lovely snuggling up to him in the spare bed but......

Daddy did drop off, we did jobs. Wom had a sleep, I finally listed loads on eBay and sorted out other stuff. Got into the car to return / deliver bits and pieces to people. Home. Cooked lunch. Health visitor arrived. I knew she was coming, just forgot.

Wom has put on a whole pound in a month. He's now 16,7. Sits bang in the 50th percentile and is doing pretty perfectly. HV stayed chatting for ages, she confused she had a boring meeting to go to and was avoiding it.

Grandma came to play. It poured with rain!

Collected a tired sausage from nursery who fell asleep in the car again. Happy to see grandma, just tired. Bath and bed competed with both of them asleep by 7:20. Avoiding all social media now until after swimming tomorrow so I don't find out who has won bake off until I watch it.

Swimming as usual tomorrow and going to give gym tots a try!

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