The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Dinosaur

Pre-baby, feeling guilty was when mummy ate too many biscuits. Post-baby, feeling guilty took on a whole other meaning like not catching me in time when I toppled over and banged my head this morning. I told mummy to get a grip. There will be plenty more to feel guilty about in the years to come so she better learn to deal with it.

Today we walked to toddlers then went for lunch and had a look around the shops. Daddy says there seems to be a pattern emerging to our days. Mummy says that a consistent routine is good for me. I visited my great granny later on then went home for a two-granny bath before bed.

Mummy needs to get to grips with my weaning before my malnutrition is another thing for her to feel guilty about. She ordered me a dinosaur lunch bag today to make it a bit more interesting...

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