A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Down the boozer

This is the set of a play called Albion which I saw tonight at The Bush Theatre. A very powerful piece incredibly well done and full of laughs and the warmth of humanity as well as sorrow and the less warm bits. Highly recommended should you be in the vicinity.

Was followed by an after show something with Sink The Pink and storytelling by Oozy Gloop (I shall correct these names and provide links tomorrow).

And to top off a fab night was out with two dear friends who I don't get to see very often.

Other positive news is that I had a very good meeting with Anna's teacher who seemed to completely get what was going on and came up with some ideas for addressing the issues so everything crossed that is that dealt with.

In other parenting news I submitted J's application for secondary school. Only putting one school down as it is our local one and there is a very high chance he will get in but still took me by surprise at how emotional it felt. Thank goodness he isn't doing exams or waiting to hear on places, I'm not sure I would have coped.

And aside from all of that today is the first proper in the office day I have had all term. Got tonnes of highly satisfying admin done.

A good Wednesday
Lesley x

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