Terry the tree worker

The house next doors was sold this summer to be torn down and rebuilt. That process started today with the removal of all the trees, which had been left to grow untamed for the last decades. A team of tree removal specialists was at work bright and early at 7am (which, to me, might as well be the middle of the night…). Seeing them scale the tall trees and manipulate that chainsaw all the way up there was quite impressive. As were the 6-ft chunks of trees crashing to the ground...

I took my camera out and decided to go chat up the guys. Today's blip is of Terry, a native of West Virginia, who broke out in a hearty laugh when I asked for his pic: "you wanna take my picture, with them ugly teeth of mine?!" "Character," I responded "that's what I like!" He told me he left school in the 10th grade to join the tree removal business and he's been with them ever since. "They're like my family" he says. Not an easy life from what I could gather, but a nicer guy I've seldom met :)

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