
By BlackandWhite

It's a cold one today

When looking out the window this morning it was like looking at a snow globe, nice to look at but not nice to be out in. It was freezing!!!

Got home tonight and found a bunch of flowers on the table thought they were for me but no, they weren't so i decided to pinch this thistle and blip it. I do love flowers and wish a received them all the time but unfortunately i either need to buy them myself of wait till a birthday etc.... this is where a partner would come in handy again unfortunately i don't have one, I'm single. i did sit and think about this alot today and thought it would be nice to be with someone, maybe start dating, but where to start I'm really not good at this side of things..........any suggestions????????

Don't know about anyone else but i can't wait for the weekend, it's been such a long week!!

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