Restoration Complete!

There you are, katkatkat, the mirror that you sent home with the request "Please make happy again" is now looking extremely happy.

I was a bit disconcerted when I discovered this mirror was laminated. All my life I had assumed it was solid mahogany and thought I could sand out the water damage. Not so!

Anyhow I replaced the glass with a thinner mirror to prevent the problem of it being very heavy and tipping. I made a new ball foot where one was missing and when I started to put it back together my learned Mate and Tutor noticed that the columns were being pulled inwards by the side screws and said there should be spacers between the mirror and the uprights. So, I set about turning 2 4mm discs. The originals have been missing all my life.

This dressing table mirror/toilet mirror had belonged to my Great Aunt and when I inherited it I used it in the bathroom. Slapped wrists for me. When my bathroom was refurbished it was relegated to the spare room. When Kat realised I wasn't using it she wanted it! Then when she had to pack up all her belongings for major house repairs, it came back to me for some TLC.

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