Sunflower, butterflies and bees

A beautiful day. An early start off to the Puffin Pool and we quickly stopped at Munlochy bird hide carpark so I could take some photos of the mist over my favourite trees and the sun starting to rise over the bay. Stunning.

The pool was lovely and warm, you could almost say it was hot and I enjoyed a natter with my friend Jackie while we carried out our exercises.

Back home and abit of gardening when I spotted a red admiral by the Lookout. Back in to get the camera and I spent the next hour grabbing shots when I could. I liked quite a few but this one won. It was interesting to watch as everytime a bee came near the butterfly would flap it's wings open and shut to shoo it away. I had never seen this behaviour before but it worked well.

Popped down to the beach cafe for latte and cake and see how high the tide was. The water was lashing against the wall and huge piles of seaweed had been washed up. Three dolphins swam past, I think it was Kesslet with her son Charlie and her new born. Lovely to see them even from a distance.

Hope you all have a great weekend, the weather looks promising although it's raining here at the moment.

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