The Afsluitdijk and Dykeworker

As you probably might know we Dutch are famous for building endless dykes to protect our lowlands against the water.

This one is more like a dam as it crosses from one shore to another and divides the former souther sea into the current north sea on the left and the ijssellake on the right.

Its a major causeway over a length of 32 kilometres (20 mi) and a width of 90 m, at an initial height of 7.25 m above sea level constructed between 1927 and 1932 and connecting the province of north holland with friesland.

Its always a very special endless straight ride with only one thing to distract your attention halfway…. a few monuments of which this bronze dyke worker laying down a basalt stone is one.

Viewing 'Large' is so much nicer. Just press the 'L' key or the magnifying glass and see the rain on the left horizon ;-)

Click on the map to see how endless straight - read… dull - it is.

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