happily ever after...

By thir13en

3 little pandas

We stopped by to visit our friends who had a set of premie twins in the summertime. the girls are now 4 months old (she was only due a month before me, so they would've been 2 months right now had she made full term). but jax weighs the same almost! haha.

it was so neat to compare, i stare at Jaxon all day, & i've always thought babies looked the same. but nope! the girls have big beautiful eyes and cute little noses. jaxon has more almond eye shape, like his daddy, and his nose is huge! haha we didn't realize. same goes for his hands and feet! they were bigger than the girls.

we got them all dressed up in thier little panda suits, but Jaxon wouldn't wake up, & Ellie was not having any part of it. Zoey was playing along perfectly! the only one... (she had already had her crying fit. lol) it was pretty cute tho. too bad we didnt do this during the day, unfortunately this was the best shot that i got. but we had to get them together before the girls & him were too big for the suits. maybe we'll get better pictures another time, but that suit was pretty tight on Ellie.

Dan & I went to highschool with Kyle, the father of the girls. I hadnt met Meghan until more recently but Dan knows her as well. It's kinda neat that we'll be around each other for them to grow up together now too. It's neat that Dan & Kyle are experiencing becoming a father, for the first time, together. (Even tho kyle has two!)

I painted them little birth announcement type thingys recently, took me way too long to finish, but they're cute and handmade. I'll have to make one for Jaxon soon. We're working on the footprints handprints paintings thing right now. he just flails so much. haha.

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