
That's what they are...the moving and dancing colors on the surface of dish soap bubbles. There was no way this would take only one try, right?

Right. It took many. Handheld, so I could move around the bowl and manually focus as they kept popping and changing. A wonderful diversion from staring at the screen, realizing that one does not learn Flash, by oneself, in one day. It'll take at least two.....

So what makes these colors? Don't know, don't care, just love looking at them and the way they crawl lazily across the surface and then suddenly accelerate and swirl frantically. And this pattern is common too...the fingers of one color reaching into another. The very coolest thing is when they su...what? Oh sorry, I WAS going on a bit.

As soon as I finish blipping, we have another hot solve-a-mystery-murder date (Taggart: the Burke/Jackie/Robbie/Stewart team.) I should try harder and see if I can pick out the murderer in less than ten minutes into the one hour show like I did last night. It drives Mr. F bonkers.

Tomorrow, the BIG, the annual, the mother of all general physicals; a head to toe discussion about where I'm at, where I'm going, what I should be doing now that I am no longer a spring chick. No brekkie or coffee, that's a bit of torture. Jeez I admire doctors. How do they listen to people jammering on about their own ailments all day long? I know it's their job and all but can you ima...what?

Well alrighty then, off I go to the living room.

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