
By rachelsmarathon

Sunshine and showers!

Sunshine and showers describes our day in every way! This morning Wilf was very happy. We went to collect our new blinds and then went swimming with Sarah and Lucy. Wilf enjoyed it more than usual and Lucy swam a whole width twice under water which we were all very impressed with!

This afternoon the showers hit. Wilf refused to nap until 3pm and then pretty much cried until bedtime, except when helping daddy build flat pack furniture. (And yes we are still unpacking and sorting the house out!)

For dinner all we could get him to eat was a minimilk and some stewed plums. His teeth are really bothering him and I feel so sorry for him but lordie it is hard work. I was secretly pleased he was grumpy for a bit of today so daddy could see what I contend with everyday on my own!!

Glass of wine and xfactor for me. Sorry Chantel and Kelly I can't bring myself to do the nct work I promised tonight.

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