Double Shot Mummy


Oscar's click

I'm rather proud of him. My son the avid photographer. He loves to hunt down my phone and take pictures. This morning I found him and Bailee carefully positioning 'Lamby' for this picture :-)

It's been an exciting but crazy week to say the least. Alongside the usual mummy of three duties, I had a baby, family, modelling portfolio photo shoot as well as seconded in a wedding with the beyond talented Shirley Lawson. It all went really well and I had the best sleep ever last night! It was soooo nice to just chill with the family today.

The trio have all got colds and Maple is a bit crabby with it. But they all deserved extra cuddles today! Maple by the way did three wee's on the toilet. She's getting very clever (And loves the butterfly tattoos she gets as a reward).

The week ahead is a lot more sensible :-) Lot's of editing for me, one or two shoots (Wish people would all confirm within reasonable time, I'm going to have to change how I do some things!) visiting a friend and maybe we can even go swimming.

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